24-hour TSP Monitoring Results                                
Station CM_AB1a, The Hong Kong Ice and Cold Storage (Aberdeen)                        
Start Finish Weather Filter Weight (g) Elapsed Time Reading Sampling Time Flow Rate (m3/min) TSP Conc. Action Level Limit Level Observations / Remarks Sampler Filter  
Date Time Date Time   Initial Final Initial Final (hrs) Initial Final Average  (µg/m3)  (µg/m3)  (µg/m3)   ID ID  
03-Jun-13 08:00 04-Jun-13 08:00 Sunny 2.774 2.8278 5607.01 5631.01 24.00 1.0455 1.0455 1.0455 36 174.2 260 Operation of tower crane and mucking out Ice Factory 1502  
07-Jun-13 08:00 08-Jun-13 08:00 Sunny 2.7292 2.77 5631.00 5655.00 24.00 1.0207 1.0207 1.0207 28 174.2 260 Operation of tower crane and loading Ice Factory 1510  
13-Jun-13 08:00 14-Jun-13 08:00 Fine 2.7525 2.8021 5655.00 5679.00 24.00 1.0523 1.0523 1.0523 33 174.2 260 Operation of tower crane and loading Ice Factory 1516
19-Jun-13 08:00 20-Jun-13 08:00 Fine 2.7777 2.8287 5679.00 5703.00 24.00 1.0687 1.0687 1.0687 33 174.2 260 Operation of tower crane and loading Ice Factory 1524
25-Jun-13 08:00 26-Jun-13 08:00 Sunny 2.7323 2.8581 5703.01 5727.01 24.00 1.0719 1.0719 1.0719 82 174.2 260 Operation of tower crane and loading Ice Factory 1530
28-Jun-13 08:00 29-Jun-13 08:00 Sunny 2.6901 2.7633 5727.01 5751.01 24.00 1.0193 1.0193 1.0193 50 174.2 260 Operation of tower crane and loading Ice Factory 1538
Min. 28
Max. 82
Average 43